present perfect Present perfect progressive Present perfect progressive vs. will Expressing the future in time clauses and if-clauses Using the present progressive to express future time Using the simple present to express future time Immediate future: using be about to Parallel verbs Chapter 4 PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST PERFECT Past participle Present perfect with since and for CONTENTS vĤ 4-3 Negative, question, and short-answer forms Present perfect with unspecified time Simple past vs. Hagenģ Contents Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition x Acknowledgments xiii Chapter 1 PRESENT TIME Simple present and present progressive Forms of the simple present and the present progressive Frequency adverbs Singular/plural Spelling of final -s/-es Non-action verbs Present verbs: short answers to yes/no questions Chapter 2 PAST TIME Expressing past time: the simple past Spelling of -ing and -ed forms The principal parts of a verb Common irregular verbs: a reference list Regular verbs: pronunciation of -ed endings Simple past and past progressive Expressing past time: using time clauses Expressing past habit: used to Chapter 3 FUTURE TIME Expressing future time: be going to and will Forms with be going to Forms with will Certainty about the future Be going to vs. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF English Grammar FOURTH EDITION Betty S.